IFA MAGAZINE • N. 3 OTTOBRE 2015 • Innovation for architecture

IFA MAGAZINE • N. 3 OTTOBRE 2015 • Innovation for architecture

02 de octubre de 2015

IFA Magazine, a synergistic appointment wanted to offer insights, new ideas and recommendations that can be of help to posers, builders,  warehouses, retailers, and also professionals.

This special IFA edition, dedicated to Expo Milano 2015 and to the added value that Italy has brought to an event over 160 years old, describes only some of the various innovations that this Expo “Made in Italy” has successfully introduced.

On these pages, we will try to take you on a journey through the various special aspects of this important eulogy to the food of the world, explaining our initiatives in the various pavilions that represent many countries around the globe.

For Eterno Ivica, this opportunity is the acknowledgement for the work done over the years and the results achieved, aware of belonging to a longstanding, sound group that is constantly growing.